Hello my cutie pies. Today is the day where I enlighten you all with a quote and this one is by Agnes de Mille. This quote is not only magnificent, but so very true. When you dance, sometimes you take on other characters, most of the time, you are telling a story, and it makes you something else. Something you may or may not be. Yes it is true, we are all beautiful, but sometimes when we dance it's a different type of beauty. It's your elegance and technique that attracts another type of beauty. It makes us larger than life, as it seems. When dancing, some moments we feel as though a strong sense of power has risen in us and it takes over and is displayed when you nail a triple pirouette or land a beautiful grande jatte, for example. It comes with the great pleasures of dance. And as Agnes is saying, it is a glorious and amazing gift that is here on earth. It is yours for the taking, he says. Meaning it's yours, you can take dance and run with it. Take hold of your talent, if you're serious about it, you can go as far as you want. It's all up to you. The sky is the limit my little werkaholics.
Hello beautiful dancers and readers. This is my first Inspiration of the moment post. So basically I will be talking about my inspiration of the moment. Today my inspiration is the beautiful Chachi Gonzales, real name Olivia. Chachi is an american hip hop dancer and is apart of I.aM.mE, which won the sixth season of America's Best Dance Crew. I originally heard about her on Tumblr. I searched her up and was in awe. The way she moves is amazing; the skill she has inspired me. I personally feel that even though I am not best at hip- hop that she is a great person to look up to. With in life I feel that having people to look up to is important. Through out your life you will have moments that you look at and think: What should I do? What would my inspiration do? How would they handle the situation? In dance, especially, having an inspiration is key. Being able to copy someone's style is cool, but making it your own is even cooler. Watching someone else kill a performance should only inspire you to get up and kill it, just like them. With Chachi, her style, her swag, is what gets me moving, it makes me wants to grab her energy and style and let it radiate through me while I dance. At the end of the day we're all dancers who love what we do, but it's not too bad to let someone inspire you too. Bye for now my werkaholics.
Dance is a way of life. It brings people joy, light, freedom, pleasure, so much more. To start this as my first post. I decided to enlighten you with a Mikhail Baryshnikov quote. Take about five seconds to meditate on the quote. What does it mean? How does it relate to you, to dance? Well this quote is honestly brilliant. Lots of people think that it's important to always out dance someone, to look better than the person standing next to you. This quote is stating that it's not about that, it's about dancing better than yourself. In dance it's important to move at your own pace, strive to do better. When you dance, you do it for you, not for anyone else. Well that's what it should be about right? Improving and living, werking it, owning it, and killing every step. Dance better than yourself, not anyone else. I promise it'll help. That's all for now my werkaholics.